I am an experimental creative technologist and researcher based in Seoul, South Korea.
As a graduate of NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP), I currently work to raise awareness about mindfulness through wearable gadgets and art installations that combine meditation and technology. While attending the program in 2017, I had the honor of completing the Dalai Lama Fellowship and have since been granted the status of a “Life-Long Dalai Lama Fellow.”
As a fellow, I researched cutting-edge meditation aid technologies and its prospects of helping people be more mindful. Additionally, I looked deeply into AI 's potential interaction with religion and mental health, as well as possible ethical issues arising from it. It led me to discover the contemplative leadership skills needed to ensure a smooth transition into a tech-friendly future. I conducted this research under the University of Virginia’s Contemplative Science Center. I also had the opportunity to give a lecture titled “How Technology Can Transform the Way We Engage in Mindfulness” to numerous institutions.
Most recently, I have been working as a research fellow and advisory member at the World Meditation Village in South Korea. It is currently the largest meditation complex in the country. I have also been working as the Chief Operating Officer at F45 Training- Pangyo, Techno Valley, South Korea. I have been utilizing biological feedback technology such as measuring members’ heart rates to implement improved systems to enhance member experience.
In my spare time, I enjoy flying drones to capture meaningful footage and practicing yoga.